What's between E and Z?... Perfection

Eglantina Zingg.
This woman is just image of perfection. She was born in Venezuela and began her career as a VJ in MTV LATINAMERICA. In those days you can totally see that she will be someone as important in the show biz as any other latinamerica celebrity. I mean, if you look like her is really hard not to be important everywhere you go. Eglantina is also a model and recently became a VJ again, the only difference is that this time its for E! latinamerica and her show it's all about my favorite subject... FASHION! The name of the program is EGLAM TOUR and it promise to be the new baby of E! Entertaiment Television. I really love Eglantina and I hope that this show could get in the top of the charts. There is nothing you can't do girl!

Photographer: Marco Graziani
Model: Eglantina Zingg